Emma Jane's - Calbert Had a Crush - figurine

$ 89.99 

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Calbert Had A Terrible Bad Crush On Maize

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- Emma Jane's figurine. Part of the Emma Jane's Babies, Remember When ... figurine collection.

Remember when the new school teacher, Miz Ida, and her daughter Maize came to Easter dinner and the goat got loose and ate up two of Mamma's sweet potato pies and then stole Miz Ida's special holiday straw hat? Remember how Calbert had such a terrible bad crush on Maize that he couldn't take his eyes off her and dropped his drumstick in the gravy bowl and us kids all giggled so much that Poppa had to excuse us from the table? Remember when?

  • Designed by Emily Watkins
  • Limited Edition of 5000
  • Includes story card and certificate of authenticity
  • Dimension: 6" H
