Neck Tie - Good Fortune - DC-218A

$ 39.95 


This Brown, Beige and Gold Metallic look 100% Jacquard Silk Tie Set is designed with large and small Turtles as the design. Turtle energy is connected with earth energies. Its energy represents ancient and long-lived. The Turtle represents wisdom of ancient origin. By wearing this tie you not only represent the vibe of the earth’s energy but you be also wearing a part of history. This design is intricately woven fabric with a tonal design weave that creates an effect of a "shadow" pattern to create a distinctive look.

We are delighted to be able to offer you an exclusive men's neckwear collection featuring vibrant hues and unique patterns for men of distinction and with unquestionable style. Our ties are created using only high quality 100% silk jacquards. We believe you will find our unique blend of elegant designs and contemporary color combinations a perfect compliment to any and all of your fashion needs. The ties represent a commitment to elegance, superior quality and customer satisfaction
